رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Wetland restoration design modifications to mitigate climate change impacts at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area: A case study report "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 921730
Doc. No : LA8144x8v9
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Noon, Kevin F.
Title & Author : Wetland restoration design modifications to mitigate climate change impacts at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area: A case study report [Article]\ Noon, Kevin F.
Title of Periodical : Parks Stewardship Forum
Volume/ Issue Number : 36/1
Date : 2020
Abstract : Historic temperature and precipitation trends, and their projected climate change effects, were used to inform the development of wetland design tactics to restore a 30-acre degraded wetland at Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. The adverse effects of climate change to be addressed in the restoration design include increasing average daily air temperatures, rising stream and groundwater temperatures, increasing stream erosion, increasing precipitation, and increasing lake evaporation. Specific actions or tactics were developed that provide prescriptive direction in how restoration strategies can be translated to changes in on-the-ground conditions. Traditional on-the-ground tactics are described, along with modifications to the traditional tactics that should facilitate adaptation and increase the system’s capacity to survive adverse effects of climate change.
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