رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" There’s no place like home: an analysis of migration patterns of dermatology residents prior to, during, and after their training "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 924035
Doc. No : LA3sf6z3pn
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Chen, Allison J; Schwartz, Julia; Kimball, Alexandra B
Title & Author : There’s no place like home: an analysis of migration patterns of dermatology residents prior to, during, and after their training [Article]\ Chen, Allison J; Schwartz, Julia; Kimball, Alexandra B
Title of Periodical : Dermatology Online Journal
Volume/ Issue Number : 22/6
Date : 2016
Abstract : Previous studies have established migration patterns between the geographic location of physicians’ residency programs and their first post-training job. Our study explores the patterns of migration of pre-residency education locations with residency and post-residency geography. We analyzed responses to an annual survey administered between 2008 and 2013 to participants of the board examination review courses organized by Galderma Laboratories. Geography of high school (HS), medical school (MS), residency, and first job location were highly correlated. The Midwest and South retained the most residents from HS (70% each), whereas the West retained the lowest percent of residents from HS (33%). The West and Northeast exported about half of their HS graduates to the South and MW for residency. The South retained the largest proportion of its trainees post-residency (75%). Our data revealed that both HS and MS locations are closely related to residents’ ultimate employment locations. This information may be useful to training program directors and chairpersons as they manage recruitment and retention of trainees and faculty and may inform plans to address geographic workforce imbalances.
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