رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Do non-melanoma skin cancer survivors use tanning beds less often than the general public? "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 924058
Doc. No : LA75n111ds
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Wiznia, Lauren; Dai, Feng; Chagpar, Anees B
Title & Author : Do non-melanoma skin cancer survivors use tanning beds less often than the general public? [Article]\ Wiznia, Lauren; Dai, Feng; Chagpar, Anees B
Title of Periodical : Dermatology Online Journal
Volume/ Issue Number : 22/8
Date : 2016
Abstract : Purpose Indoor tanning is associated with an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC), yet little is known about indoor tanning habits of individuals with a history of NMSC. Methods We examined self-reported history of NMSC and tanning bed use among non-Hispanic white respondents in the 2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), a cross-sectional population-based survey designed to be representative of the civilian US population. We computed weighted population estimates and standard errors using the Taylor series linearization method. We then evaluated chi-square tests of independence and conducted weighted logistic regression analyses to evaluate if NMSC status was a predictor of indoor tanning. Results In our analytic sample of 14,400 non-Hispanic white participants, representing 145,287,995 in the population, 543 participants (weighted proportion = 3.45%) self-reported a history of NMSC or “skin cancer type not known.” In multivariate analyses, non-melanoma skin cancer survivors were no less likely to use tanning beds in the last 12 months than skin cancer free controls (OR = 0.70, 95% CI: 0.34-1.43, p = 0.33). Conclusions Non-melanoma skin cancer survivors should be educated on their increased risk of recurrence and other skin cancers and in particular the role of indoor tanning in skin tumorigenesis.
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