رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Introducing public health themes in Clinical Dermatology "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 924122
Doc. No : LA2c88h8js
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Norton, Scott A
Title & Author : Introducing public health themes in Clinical Dermatology [Article]\ Norton, Scott A
Title of Periodical : Dermatology Online Journal
Volume/ Issue Number : 22/9
Date : 2016
Abstract : The ACGME’s Core Competencies comprise six domains, which in turn contain dozens of often overlapping milestones. Several competencies explicitly invoke public health topics – but if one wears the right set of lenses, nearly every milestone, nearly every aspect of health and medicine, can be viewed from a public health perspective. Why then is Dermatology generally taught – and practiced – in an Intensive Care manner, where seemingly unlimited diagnostic & therapeutic efforts focus on single individuals, not the community?
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