رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Is it just a psoriasiform dermatitis? "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 924854
Doc. No : LA77k9w4c0
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Figueroa-Silva, Olalla; Espasandín-Arias, Martina; García-Martínez, Francisco Javier; Fernández-Redondo, Virginia; Toribio, Jaime
Title & Author : Is it just a psoriasiform dermatitis? [Article]\ Figueroa-Silva, Olalla; Espasandín-Arias, Martina; García-Martínez, Francisco Javier; Fernández-Redondo, Virginia; Toribio, Jaime
Title of Periodical : Dermatology Online Journal
Volume/ Issue Number : 23/11
Date : 2017
Abstract : Bazex syndrome (BS) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome most frequently associated with squamous cell carcinomas of the upper aerodigestive tractand other tumours. Characteristically, cutaneous lesions precede the diagnosis of malignancy. We report a 72-year-old patient with 1-year history of acral dermatitis. The diagnosis of BS was based on the presence of psoriasiform acral dermatitis and the evidence of two simultaneous tumors (prostate adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma ofthe submandibular gland). It is important to have this syndrome in mind since cutaneous features usually precede an underlying neoplasm.
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