رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Asymptomatic and infiltrated plaque on the left cheek "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 925250
Doc. No : LA3vq764s0
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Ruiz-Villaverde, Ricardo; Sánchez-Cano, Daniel; Rodrigo-Sánchez, Ana Belén; Aneiros-Fernández, José
Title & Author : Asymptomatic and infiltrated plaque on the left cheek [Article]\ Ruiz-Villaverde, Ricardo; Sánchez-Cano, Daniel; Rodrigo-Sánchez, Ana Belén; Aneiros-Fernández, José
Title of Periodical : Dermatology Online Journal
Volume/ Issue Number : 22/11
Date : 2016
Abstract : Centrofollicular B Cell lymphomas constitute 25% of non-Hodgkin lymphomas that originate in the skin. They are the second in frequency of those lymphomas with extranodal location after gastrointestinal B lymphomas. The primary cutaneous centrofollicular lymphoma is characterized by the neoplastic proliferation of centrocytes and centroblasts confined to the skin. The prognosis is considered excellent with low probability of extracutaneous dissemination. We present a patient recently diagnosed in our unit with a good response to radiotherapy and complete resolution of the tumor with mild atrophy of the site.
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