" Introduction to Special Issue: Critical Perspectives on Neoliberalism in Second / Foreign Language Education "
Bernstein, Katie A.; Hellmich, Emily A.; Katznelson, Noah; Shin, Jaran; Vinall, Kimberly
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Bernstein, Katie A.; Hellmich, Emily A.; Katznelson, Noah; Shin, Jaran; Vinall, Kimberly
Title & Author
Introduction to Special Issue: Critical Perspectives on Neoliberalism in Second / Foreign Language Education [Article]\ Bernstein, Katie A.; Hellmich, Emily A.; Katznelson, Noah; Shin, Jaran; Vinall, Kimberly
Title of Periodical
L2 Journal
Volume/ Issue Number
This special issue, Critical perspectives on neoliberalism in second / foreign language education, has arisen from our collective, lived experiences as language teachers, as researchers, and as early career scholars. In particular, it comes from changes we have observed in: how languages are understood and taught; the ways that learners and teachers are constructed; the kinds of knowledge about language learning that is produced through research; and the perceived goals of language study within a larger framework of the increased privatization of education. As we noticed the extent to which neoliberal discourse—the discourse of the marketplace—has seeped into these various practices, we came to realize how much it has influenced our own constructions of ourselves, of our learners, and of knowledge itself. It occurred to us that a critical engagement with neoliberalism could help us to examine the changes we were living and to understand our concerns with these experiences.
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