رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Acute Jaundice in a Six-year-old: An Unusual Presentation of Atypical Kawasaki Disease "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 928204
Doc. No : LA7jt127p7
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Bylund, LCDR William; Zarow, Gregory J.; Morrison Ponce, LCDR Daphne
Title & Author : Acute Jaundice in a Six-year-old: An Unusual Presentation of Atypical Kawasaki Disease [Article]\ Bylund, LCDR William; Zarow, Gregory J.; Morrison Ponce, LCDR Daphne
Title of Periodical : Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine
Volume/ Issue Number : 4/2
Date : 2020
Abstract : Kawasaki disease (KD) is a rare vasculitis of childhood that is critical to recognize and treat due to associated morbidity and mortality. A six-year-old male presented to our emergency department (ED) afebrile but with reported recent fevers. Exam revealed jaundice and erythematous tongue with papules, and laboratory studies indicated a direct hyperbilirubinemia. Admitted for evaluation, he developed continuous fever, increasing maculopapular rash, and subsequent desquamation of hands and feet. He ultimately met criteria for incomplete KD, was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, and avoided cardiac complications. This presentation of incomplete KD with hyperbilirubinemia is rare because the patient was afebrile at ED presentation.
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