رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Introduction "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 928528
Doc. No : LA72x1c9d9
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Blanco, Hilda
Title & Author : Introduction [Article]\ Blanco, Hilda
Title of Periodical : Berkeley Planning Journal
Volume/ Issue Number : 2/1
Date : 1985
Abstract : City Planning may be a minor league profession, but if it has major league expectations, that's because it's been carrying the ball for a major league idea--the idea of planning. Planning is a major human practice, on the par with science or art, indispensable and ever expanding in modern society. Public sector planners in the U.S. are still slow to recognize this and ambivalent about planning's role and value. Serving in a society that has made a fetish of the old myth of laissez-faire, it is not surprising that, paraphrasing Wilbur:
کپی لینک

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