رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Fatal Metformin Overdose Presenting with Progressive Hyperglycemia "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 930990
Doc. No : LA1nh2f6wn
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Suchard, Jeffrey R; Grotsky, Thomas A
Title & Author : Fatal Metformin Overdose Presenting with Progressive Hyperglycemia [Article]\ Suchard, Jeffrey R; Grotsky, Thomas A
Title of Periodical : Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Volume/ Issue Number : 9/3
Date : 2008
Abstract : A 29-year-old man with no history of diabetes ingested over 60 grams of metformin in a suicide attempt. He presented to the emergency department with acute renal insufficiency, severe lactic acidosis, and rapidly-progressive hyperglycemia. The patient’s peak serum glucose level of 707 mg/dL is the highest yet reported in a case of metformin toxicity. Treatment included sodium bicarbonate infusion and hemodialysis, but the patient suffered several cardiac arrests with pulseless electrical activity and ultimately expired 25 hours after the ingestion.
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