رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Examining Limitations and Future Approaches "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 933630
Doc. No : LA2147k2t1
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Griggs, Christopher A.; Weiner, Scott G.; Feldman, James A.
Title & Author : Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Examining Limitations and Future Approaches [Article]\ Griggs, Christopher A.; Weiner, Scott G.; Feldman, James A.
Title of Periodical : Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Volume/ Issue Number : 16/1
Date : 2015
Abstract : Prescription drug abuse is a leading cause of accidental death in the United States. Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) are a popular initiative among policy makers and a key tool to combat the prescription drug epidemic. This editorial discusses the limitations of PDMPs, future approaches needed to improve the effectiveness of PDMPs, and other approaches essential to curbing the rise of drug abuse and overdose. [West J Emerg Med. 2015(1):–0.]
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