رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Management of In-Flight Medical Emergencies: Are Senior Medical Students Prepared to Respond to this Community Need? "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 933712
Doc. No : LA4w6771v6
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Katzer, Robert J.; Duong, David; Weber, Matthew; Memmer, Amy; Buchanan, Ian
Title & Author : Management of In-Flight Medical Emergencies: Are Senior Medical Students Prepared to Respond to this Community Need? [Article]\ Katzer, Robert J.; Duong, David; Weber, Matthew; Memmer, Amy; Buchanan, Ian
Title of Periodical : Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Volume/ Issue Number : 15/7
Date : 2014
Abstract : Introduction: In-flight medical emergencies on commercial aircraft are common in both domestic and international flights. We hypothesized that fourth-year medical students feel inadequately prepared to lend assistance during in-flight medical emergencies. This multicenter study of two U.S. medical schools obtains a baseline assessment of knowledge and confidence in managing in-flight medical emergencies.
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