رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Consensus Development of a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Clerkship Curriculum "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 933727
Doc. No : LA5sb691sk
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Askew, Kim; Weiner, Debra; Murphy, Charles; Duong, Myto; Fox, James; Fox, Sean; O'Neill, James; Nadkarni, Milan
Title & Author : Consensus Development of a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Clerkship Curriculum [Article]\ Askew, Kim; Weiner, Debra; Murphy, Charles; Duong, Myto; Fox, James; Fox, Sean; O'Neill, James; Nadkarni, Milan
Title of Periodical : Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health
Volume/ Issue Number : 15/6
Date : 2014
Abstract : Introduction: As emergency medicine (EM) has become a more prominent feature in the clinical years of medical school training, national EM clerkship curricula have been published to address the need to standardize students’ experiences in the field. However, current national student curricula in EM do not include core pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) concepts.
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