رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Agreement in Thadou "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 940007
Doc. No : LA4f3049pf
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Haokip, Pauthang
Title & Author : Agreement in Thadou [Article]\ Haokip, Pauthang
Title of Periodical : Himalayan Linguistics
Volume/ Issue Number : 18/1
Date : 2019
Abstract : This paper has discussed the agreement system of Thadou in intransitive, transitive and ditransitive clauses. The 1<sup>st</sup> person agreement clitic ng (ŋ) occurs post-verbally in intransitives clauses. A transitive verb in Thadou has the same agreement system in affirmative and negative paradigms and may agree with both its A and P or only its A for person and may agree with its A and its P for number. Ditransitive verbs in Thadou occur with both hi and declarative clause ending in e. The difference between a ditransitive verb in hi clause and e clause is that in the case of hi clause the verb occurs in stem 2 form, while the in case of the e clause, the verb occurs in stem 1 form.  The hi constructions in Thadou are bi-clausal in structure. That is, they are composed of a subordinate clause followed by the main clause. A ditransitive verb in Thadou agrees with its A for person in the embedded clause and with its T in the main clause and may agree with either the A or T for number.
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