رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Wolf control in British Columbia, Canada "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 941761
Doc. No : LA7qs3k0qb
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : West, G. A.
Title & Author : Wolf control in British Columbia, Canada [Article]\ West, G. A.
Title of Periodical : Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Volume/ Issue Number : 1
Date : 1962
Abstract : Past and present practices to control wolves in British Columbia, Canada are discussed. Control is carried out chiefly for the protection of livestock. Reduction in use of strychnine occurred after the 1940s, and Compound 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) became increasingly effective and useful after the mid-1950s. A bounty system, which had been in place previously and was in direct competition with government-organized predator control programs as well as subject to fraud, was discontinued in 1955. Aerial application of 1080 baits over larger areas under appropriate conditions in winter, or to spot treat locations where predation has occurred at other times of year. Precautions are taken to safeguard desirable species as much as possible, including collection and disposal of baits in late winter or early spring. Regulations governing toxicant use are described, including landowner agreements if used on private lands. Present predator control methods and techniques have proven to be very effective, especially with wolves, for the protection of livestock.
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