" Citrus dwarfing viroid reduces canopy volume by affecting shoot apical growth of navel orange trees grown on trifoliate orange rootstock "
Lavagi-Craddock, I; Campos, R; Pagliaccia, D; Kapaun, T; Lovatt, C; Vidalakis, G
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Lavagi-Craddock, I; Campos, R; Pagliaccia, D; Kapaun, T; Lovatt, C; Vidalakis, G
Title & Author
Citrus dwarfing viroid reduces canopy volume by affecting shoot apical growth of navel orange trees grown on trifoliate orange rootstock [Article]\ Lavagi-Craddock, I; Campos, R; Pagliaccia, D; Kapaun, T; Lovatt, C; Vidalakis, G
Title of Periodical
Journal of Citrus Pathology
Volume/ Issue Number
Citrus dwarfing viroid (CDVd) infection of navel orange trees (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.) on ‘Rich 16-6’ trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) rootstock has been previously reported to reduce canopy volume by approximately 50%. We demonstrated that the reduction in tree size of CDVd-infected citrus resulted from a >20% reduction in the apical growth of individual shoots within the tree canopy. We also demonstrated that the reduced canopy volume of the CDVd-infected trees is a long lasting phenotype comparable to that of ‘Flying Dragon’ rootstock, which is known to reduce citrus tree size.
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