رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Efficacy and environmental impact of flocoumafen (Storm) wax block baits used for rice field rat control in the Philippines "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 942828
Doc. No : LA0nd183fs
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Hoque, Melanda M.; Olvida, Jaime L.
Title & Author : Efficacy and environmental impact of flocoumafen (Storm) wax block baits used for rice field rat control in the Philippines [Article]\ Hoque, Melanda M.; Olvida, Jaime L.
Title of Periodical : Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Volume/ Issue Number : 13
Date : 1988
Abstract : Two large (approx. 160 ha) trial sites incorporating ricefields and village housing were selected in Laguna Province, Philippines. Flocoumafen 3.5-g wax block baits (Storm®) were applied to one site, initially as two area-wide pulses of 80 to 100 blocks/ha and later as spot treatments, to areas of particularly high rat infestation. Baiting in and around the village houses was already carried out during the first two applications. On average, only 1.175 kg/ha/season of flocoumafen block bait gave good rodent control resulting in significant decreases in crop damage (% cut tillers) compared to the untreated area. The overall yield increase was estimated to be 13 t of grain, equivalent to total added benefit of P39,000 (approx US
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