رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" WIC fruit and vegetable vouchers: Small farms face barriers in supplying produce "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 944918
Doc. No : LA7mq9236d
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Hardesty, Shermain D; Leff, Penney; Baameur, Aziz; Aguiar, Jose Luis; Jimenez, Manuel J; Zeltser, Yelena; Kaiser, Lucia L
Title & Author : WIC fruit and vegetable vouchers: Small farms face barriers in supplying produce [Article]\ Hardesty, Shermain D; Leff, Penney; Baameur, Aziz; Aguiar, Jose Luis; Jimenez, Manuel J; Zeltser, Yelena; Kaiser, Lucia L
Title of Periodical : California Agriculture
Volume/ Issue Number : 69/2
Date : 2015
Abstract : By October 2009, all 50 states had implemented a revised WIC program with produce vouchers for millions of eligible families. USDA economists had projected the vouchers would raise net farm revenues by
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