Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
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Main Entry
Ali, Muhammad Mohar.
Title & Author
The Qurʼân and the orientalists : : an examination of their main theories and assumptions /\ by Muḥammad Mohar Ali.
Edition Statement
1st ed.
Publication Statement
Ipswich, Suffolk [England] :: Jamʻiyat ʼIḥyaaʼ Minhaaj al-Sunnah,, 2004.
Page. NO
ix, 374 pages ;; 25 cm
: 9780954036973
"The first seven chapters of the present work are ... revised versions of the relevant chapters in the Sîrat al-Nabî [and the orientalists]"--Preface.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 363-366) and index.
pt. 1. On the alleged authorship of Muḥammad. The allegation of ambition and preparation for giving out the Qurʼân -- The alleged borrowing from Judaeo-Christian sources -- The alleged contemporary errors in the Qurʼân as evidence of the Prophet's authorship -- pt. 2. The orientalists on the Qurʼânic waḥy. The orientalists on the Qurʼânic waḥy: I. The views of Muir and Margoliouth -- The orientalists on the Qurʼânic waḥy: II. The views of Richard Bell -- The orientalists on the Qurʼânic waḥy: III. Watt's treatment of al-Zuhrî's report on the coming of waḥy -- The orientalists on the Qurʼânic waḥy: IV. Watt's theory of intellectual locution -- pt. 3. The orientalists on the history and text of the Qurʼân. On the history of the Qurʼân: I. Theodore Nöldeke's assumptions -- On the history of the Qurʼân: II. Inflation of Nöldeke's assumptions -- On the history of the Qurʼân: II. Revisionism at its climax -- On the text of the Qurʼân: I. The language and style and the theory of revision -- On the text of the Qurʼân: II. The so-called foreign vocabulary and copyist's errors -- The orientalists' translations of the Qurʼân -- Conclusion.
Middle East specialists.
Authority-- Religious aspects.
Middle East specialists.
Qurʼan-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.-- History.
Qurʼan-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Qurʼan-- Evidences, authority, etc.
Qurʼan-- Language, style.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
BP130.45.A454 2004
Added Entry
Ali, Muhammad Mohar.