" NASICON Open Framework Structured Transition Metal Oxides for Lithium Batteries. "
Document Type
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Main Entry
K. M. Begam
Title & Author
NASICON Open Framework Structured Transition Metal Oxides for Lithium Batteries.
Publication Statement
INTECH Open Access Publisher,, 2010.
Page. NO
1 online resource
: 9789533070582
We identified a group of NASICON open framework structured polyanion materials and examined the materials for rechargeable lithium battery application. We found that the open framework structure of these materials facilitated easy insertion/extraction of lithium into/from their structure. We synthesized the materials in lithium-rich [Li2M2(MoO4)3] and lithium-free [LixM2(MoO4)3] (M= Ni, Co) phases, for the first time, by means of a low temperature soft-combustion technique. The soft-combustion synthesis usually yields single-phase materials with high phase purity and is suitable for bulk preparation of battery grade electrode powders. The materials were characterized for structure, morphology and electrochemical lithium insertion/extraction kinetics and the results were presented and discussed in the light of XRD, SEM and electrochemical techniques in relation to the electrode-active character of the materials. All the materials were found to crystallize in a single phase structure with submicron sized particles. The electrode-active behavior of the new materials was examined in a twoelectrode configuration utilizing a Li+ non-aqueous environment. Both the systems were.
Added Entry
M. S. Michael
S. R. S. Prabaharan
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