رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Iron-Formation : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 971546
Doc. No : b725916
Main Entry : Trendall, A. F.
Title & Author : Iron-Formation : : Facts and Problems.
Publication Statement : Amsterdam :: Elsevier Science,, 2014.
Series Statement : Developments in Precambrian Geology ;; v. 6
Page. NO : 1 online resource (559 pages).
ISBN : 008086905X
: : 9780080869056
Contents : Front Cover; Iron-Formation: Facts and Problems; Copyright Page; Contents; Foreword; Contributing Authors; CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION; Origin, purpose, and scope of this volume; Classification and nomenclature of iron-formation; Acknowledgements; References; CHAPTER 2. ANIMIKIE BASIN, LAKE SUPERIOR REGION. U.S.A.; Introduction; Regional geologic setting; Geochronology; Documentation of the basin; Description of the basin; The iron-formations and their depositional environments; Secondary enrichment deposits; References; CHAPTER 3. THE HAMERSLEY BASIN; Introduction; Documentation.
: Campbellrand-Malmani carbonate sequenceAsbesheuwels Subgroup; Koegas Subgroup; Rooihoogte and Timeball Hill Formations; Makganyene Diamictite; Voëlwater Subgroup; Manganore Iron Formation; Vertical distribution of iron and manganese in the Transvaal Supergroup; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; CHAPTER 5. THE KRIVOY ROG BASIN; Introduction; History of geological research; Geological structure of the basin; The iron-formations; Metamorphism; Genetic model for Precambrian banded iron-formations; Iron ore deposits; References.
: CHAPTER 6. IRON-FORMATION IN FOLD BELTS MARGINAL TO THE UNGAVA CRATONIntroduction; History and documentation of geology; Description of basins; Depositional environments; References and selected bibliography; CHAPTER 7. THE NABBERU BASIN OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA; Introduction; Documentation of the basin; Description of the basin; Depositional environment; Depositional facies model; Acknowledgements; References; CHAPTER 8. PART A: A CONTRIBUTION ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PRECAMBRIAN IRON-FORMATIONS; Introduction; Systematic studies; Discussion and conclusions; Acknowledgements; References.
: Location, area, shape, and outcrop limitsStratigraphy; The iron-formations; Structure; Metamorphism; Tectonic development of the basin; Surface configuration and depositional conditions; Mineral deposits; Acknowledgements; References; CHAPTER 4. PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF IRON-FORMATIONS IN THE DEPOSITIONAL BASIN OF THE TRANSVAAL SUPERGROUP, SOUTH AFRICA; Introduction; Documentation of the depository; Structure and metamorphism of the strata; Age; Nomenclature; Tectono-sedimentary and stratigraphic setting of the iron-formations; Schmidtsdrif Subgroup.
: PART B: RARE EARTH ELEMENTS IN IRON-FORMATIONIntroduction; REE distribution in iron-formation; Evolution of Precambrian oxidation states; Mineralogical facies; Diagenesis; Volcanic input to iron-formations; Summary; References; PART C: OXYGEN ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY OF IRON-FORMATION; Introduction; Proterozoic iron-formation; Archean iron-formation; Discussion; Acknowledgement; References; CHAPTER 9. THE PALAEONTOLOGY AND PALAEOECOLOGY OF PRECAMBRIAN IRON-FORMATIONS; Introduction; Palaeontology; Palaeoecology; Microbial deposition of iron-formation; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References.
Abstract : Iron-Formation: Facts and Problems.
Subject : Iron ores.
Subject : Rock-forming minerals.
Dewey Classification : ‭553.3‬
LC Classification : ‭QE390.2.I76 -- I76 1983eb‬
Added Entry : Morris, R. C.
کپی لینک

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