" Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. "
Document Type
Record Number
Doc. No
Title & Author
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics.
Publication Statement
Academic Press, 2010.
Page. NO
1 online resource (280 pages)
: 1282770101
: 9780123810212
: 9781282770102
Cover -- Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics13; -- Copyright13; -- Contents -- Contributors13; -- Preface13; -- Chapter 13;1. Casimir Effects in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Whats a Micro Effect; Whats a Macro Effect? -- 3. Relativistic Terms -- 4. Yet Another Repulsive Interaction -- 5. Nonrelativistic Molecules and Dressed Atoms -- 6. Not a Trivial Number -- 7. Reconciling Multipoles -- 8. Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 13;2. Advances in Coherent Population Trapping for Atomic Clocks -- 1. Coherent Population Trapping -- 2. Atomic Clocks -- 3. Advanced CPT Techniques -- 4. Additional Considerations -- 5. Conclusions and Outlook -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 13;3. Dissociative Recombination of H3254; Ions with Electrons:Theory and Experiment -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Basic Definitions -- 3. Experimental Techniques -- 4. Theory -- 5. History of Experimental H3+ Recombination Studies -- 6. Reconciling Afterglow and Storage Ring Results -- 7. Comparison of Storage Ring Data -- 8. H3+13; Product Branching -- 9. Isotope Effects -- 10. Conclusions13; -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 13;4. Permanent Electric Dipole Moments of Atoms and Molecules -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Historical Perspectives -- 3. Contemporary Theoretical Motivations8212;The Standard Model and Beyond -- 4. EDM Measurements -- 5. Contemporary Experiments -- 6. Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 13;5. Spontaneous Decay, Unitarity, and the Weisskopf8211;Wigner Approximation -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Excited State Time Evolution -- 3. Spectrum and Unitarity -- 4. Discussion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 13;6. Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Signals Viewed from the Molecules Perspective: Kramers8211;Heisenberg Transition-Amplitudes versus Susceptibilities -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Quantum-Field Description of Heterodyne Signals -- 3. Transition-Amplitudes and the Optical Theorem for Time-Domain Measurements -- 4. CTPL Representation of Optical Signals -- 5. The Pump8211;Probe Signal -- 6. The Pump8211;Probe Signal Revisited: Transition Amplitudes -- 7. Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy -- 8. Cars Signals Recast in Terms of Transition Amplitudes -- 9. Cars Resonances Can be Viewed as a Double-Slit Interference of Two-Photon Pathways -- 10. Purely-Dissipative Spectroscopic Signals -- 11. Summary13; -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Index13; -- Contents of Volumes in th13;is Serial.
Dewey Classification
LC Classification
Added Entry
Arimondo, Ennio.
Berman, Paul R.
Lin, Chun C.
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